New to Victory City Church?

If you’re new to Victory City Church, or have been visiting for a little while, stop by our HUB in the main lobby after service where you’ll find people waiting to greet you and hear about your life. You can meet some of our ministry team and find out about the many ways to connect into Victory City Church. Below are some ways to get connected.

If you would like to know more about how to get involved with Victory City, fill out this brief contact form, and we will reach out to you with more information.


We welcome you to join us for Avenues Course. We’ll share a meal together and you’ll hear a little bit about our culture, Church and opportunities to grow in

**Children’s Ministry is not available during this time, so please bring your children with you.   

Upcoming Dates & Times:  
- Every Last Sunday of the Month, 12-1PM | Youth Room

the road to growth

City Groups

City Groups are a great way to get integrated in our community. Each group is centered around becoming more like Jesus together. City Groups allow community to be a natural rhythm to your week and life.

This happens best over time, around food, conversations, and alongside committed people. Our Groups meet weekly various days. Each group is led by trusted individuals or couples integral to Victory City. Safety and trust are important to our team and church. We hope you can find people to do life with.

two people smiling

Try Alpha

Alpha is an opportunity to explore the big questions of life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. We intentionally create a relaxed and low-pressured atmosphere so no question is ‘off the table’ and everyone is welcome. Nearly 30 million people have taken part and loved the experience.

Alpha runs across 8 weeks with 8 sessions. We kick off with a launch party and then each week there will be an engaging 25min film on various topics. After you’ve watched, you’ll join others to engage in an open, honest discussion. This term, Alpha is meeting together in person. Everyone is welcome, so bring a friend too!

people discussing


Jesus was a servant. It is our hope that we might be a community marked by servanthood. Serving not only represents a way into community with other people but an opportunity to grow in your personal faith and meet others along the way. We have lots of opportunities to serve, just click to find out more.

people looking at screen


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“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

— John 14:6